Thermal Dilatometric Analysis (TDA), often called "dilatometry", measures the dimensional change of a material (ceramics, glasses, metals, composites, carbon/graphite, minerals, polymers, and others) as a function of temperature.This test determines both reversible and irreversible changes in length (expansion and shrinkage) during  

heating and cooling, and pinpoints where reactions occur that cause expansion or contraction. Samples are quickly and easily measured for determining firing ranges and firing schedules, measuring thermal expansion ranges for glaze fits, and measuring thermal expansion ranges for R&D, QC or product certification. Orton dilatometers are used for ASTM E-228 testing.

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), softening point, glass transition temperature, curie point, crystalline transformation, phase transition, shrinkage, warping, bloating, sintering rate, isothermal creep, stress relaxation.
The test results are a graph of the TDA signal (converted to percent length change) on the Y-axis plotted versus the sample temperature in ¡ÆC on the X-axis. Sample graphs of enhanced output are shown below.
Ceramics - ASTM E-228 Metals MIL I-23011C Class 7
- Range of TDA Test Conditions
  -150¡ÆC to +1,600¡ÆC
  Ambient, Inert, Reducing Atmospheres
  Simple Heat-up and Cool-down, Iso-thermal Holds, Programmed Thermal Cycles
*Descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Other Orton Dilatometers
2 Sample
Multiple Sample
Non-contact Laser
Rapid turnaround
Quench (metallurgical)
Every Orton dilatometer is supplied with the software to add to the user's PC in order to acquire, save and analyze the data generated by the dilatometer. The Orton Dilatometer Software is a Visual Basic executable routine written for Windows 95/98/2000 based personal computers. It can be used to monitor the dilatometer test in real time, or can be used to examine the test data after the run. The software imports the data through the RS232 interface, and stores it on the hard drive for immediate or post-testing analysis. The software enables the user to :
View the dilatometer data in a variety of presentations
percent linear change (PLC) vs. temperature
percent linear change (PLC) vs. time
first derivative of the percent linear change (DCE) vs. temperature
first derivative of the percent linear change (DCE) vs. time
percent linear change (PLC) and first derivative of the percent linear change (DCE) vs. temperature
percent linear change (PLC) and first derivative of the percent linear change (DCE) vs. time
Perform a variety of analyses
calculate the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between specified temperatures, or a series of specified temperatures
calculate the average coefficient of thermal expansion from room temperature to a specified temperature at a specified temperature increment
determine transition temperature
determine softening temperature
locate alpha-beta quartz transition Export the data in a text file format for independent analysis or
archiving purposes
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